Over the last 24 hours there has been a flurry of speculation after recent announcements came out fr...

Over the last 24 hours there has been a flurry of speculation after recent announcements came out fr...
On the surface, Oracle Unlimited Licensing Agreements (ULAs) look like a tempting all you can eat bu...
Good license management is like heading into your loft to get the Christmas lights down and discover...
It has now been nine months since Broadcom acquired VMware and, in that time, Livingstone has helped...
One of the privileges of assisting some of the world’s largest businesses in negotiating their softw...
In Q2 2024, Rocket Software completed its acquisition of the Micro Focus Application Modernization a...
The majority of us involved with Software Asset Management will have experienced a license audit at ...
FlexPoints were released by IBM in January 2018, and shortly after this, in July 2019, IBM introduce...
Following Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware in November 2023, it was subsequently announced that it w...
AtLivingstone, we’re starting to see much higher rates of adoption of Oracle’s Multitenant architect...